29 Ocak 2011 Cumartesi

The omega 3 and omega 6 ratio, it is important

The benefits of omega-3 essential fatty acids are well known and well documented. The fact that he did not get the omega-3 fatty acids in our daily diet is also a known fact. Omega-6 fatty acids are also used for the body. What is not known is the balance between omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids and their importance to our health?
Essential fatty acids are fats that are not produced by the body. Are necessary for good health must come from our diet. In American culture, the right balance of fats in our diet is to get almost a thing of the past.
First, what is the proper ratio of omega 3 and omega 6 to your daily intake of a person? Both fats must be consumed in balanced proportions to maintain good health. healthy relationships of these fats in n-6 and n-3 are described by the clock 1.01 bis 01.04 and modern studies have shown that our body needs more omega 3 than omega -6 requirements.
In our daily diet to get the good fat content is no longer possible for most people. The main reason for this is that omega-3 derived primarily from fish. Fish consumption has decreased by 70-80% too much fear of mercury consumption. Of course there are many other reasons, such as the depletion of fish stocks as well.
It is also used to be a good secondary source of omega-3, was the meat of wild animals and livestock. In the past, the ratio remained the flesh. But today this is true, because I do not eat game and nutrition of farm animals have been away from the grass, grain. Grass produces more omega-3 fatty acids in farm animals, but today it is no longer true. cattle are grain rich in omega-6.
The classical relationship between two fat Western diet is 10:1 and in some cases as far back as 30:1. Everything we eat is loaded with omega-6, as seen in some of the fat we eat. The ratio of n-6 to n-3 fatty acids: the common oils are collected and 02.01 canola, corn, 46:1, 0:1 oil, cottonseed oil, grapeseed 0: 1 , 0:1, and peanut oil. Except for some traces of n-3, there is almost none.
Omega-6 are still charged, even our food sources of plant origin. Others are mainly n-6 are sunflower oil, sesame oil and soybean oil primarily from the region n-6.
Vegetable oils are so cheap, why, in almost all processed foods are used. No wonder the West is much more than the n-6 to n-3 fatty acids. The effects of lead on humans, many diseases such as cancer, heart disease, uncovering various inflammatory diseases such as arthritis.
So what is the answer to the relationship is back in the correct range 1:01-4:01 for good health? One answer would be, including a series of cold-water fish do not grow wild on our farm to start eating. Or start a fish oil supplement to take quality on a regular basis. The best way is to get the right balance of fish oil.

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